This offbeat romantic drama revolves around Balu (Vennela Kishore), a sincere man who falls in love with Swapna (Pavani) and her father Chakravarthy (Raghu Babu), a strict disciplinarian, agrees to their marriage.
On the day of their engagement, Balu's friend Surya (Surya), drags a reluctant Balu to Lord Ganesh's temple. Balu is afraid that Chakravarthy may cancel the engagement if he is late. So he insists with Surya that they leave the temple.
In the ensuing argument between them, Balu ends up insulting Lord Ganesha. Ganesha's mount is enraged and sends a mouse (Brahmanandam) to teach Balu a lesson. The mouse wreaks havoc in the lives of Balu and Swapna. Can Balu find a way appease Lord Ganesha and his mount in order to escape the mouse's vengeance?