This terrifying tale of terror revolves around the London-based Rai family, that comprises of Suraj, his wife, Radha, and two children, a boy and a girl named Neetu, as well as Suraj's younger brother Raj, who has a secret talent.
When Suraj's son passes away, he gets very depressed, takes to alcohol, and gets intimate with a young woman named Kamini, who is an ardent worshiper of Lord Shani (Saturn), and he promises to marry her. When he decides that he likes Radha and Neetu more, he decides to break up with Kamini, who does not take it too well, and kills herself.
Suraj returns to his family and does not tell anyone about this incident. Then strange things start occurring in the household, and Suraj blames these on Raj. But this only worsens the situation, and the family, including Raj's voluptuous girlfriend, Sapna, re-locate to Balwant's house. This is where they will find out that the vengeful spirit of Kamini has entrapped them, and they are all to suffer violent deaths - especially on dates that total to eight in combination with Saturday.