Fast-paced and fiery, this suspenseful saga revolves around Anjali, a beautiful young woman, who gets married. Immediately after marriage, she and her husband go to the temple seeking the blessings of the goddess. Soon after, Anjali's husband is severely injured in a hit-and-run.
Even as they beg for help, nobody in the crowd wishes to help them, except Vikram, a fearless and forthright man. He helps Anjali in every way, until her husband recovers and is taken home. Her husband's family feels deeply indebted to Vikram, but there seems to be more to him than meets the eye.
When Anjali is suspected of having an extramarital affair with Vikram, she is thrown out of the house. What is the real relationship between Vikram and Anjali? Will Vikram ever allow her to return to her husband and family?