The story continues from the previous film. The four good-for-nothing friends Roy (Ritesh), Adi (Arshad), Manav (Jaaved) and Boman (Aashish), are still conning people for a living. One day, they see their enemy Kabir (Sanjay Dutt) driving the luxurious Mercedes Benz, and disguise themselves to find out the secret behind his success. They investigate and find that he lives off his wife's wealth. They then blackmail him into making them his business partners, but little do the four idiots know that Kabir and his wife Kamini (Mallika) along with his sister Kiya (Kangana) have an agenda of their own. Kabir connects them with an investor named Bata Bhai (Satish Kaushik) who is also a part-time don. The four friends steal Bata Bhai's money, and the money is then stolen by Kabir and his family. Kabir leaves the country along with his family, and leaves the four idiots to get killed by Bata Bhai. However, the four friends leave the city and manage to track Kabir down in Macau. They make a plan to ruin Kabir's happiness and take their money back by going in disguise. Roy cons Kiya by pretending to be in love with her, whilst Adi pretends to be Kabir's secretary. Boman poses as a woman in love with Kabir to break his realtionship. Manav poses as various characters. Though, Kabir, Kamini, and Kiya have their own plan. They caught the four of them in their act.