This fast-paced romantic drama traces the twists and turns in the life of Chinna (Vishnu), an intelligent and street-smart young man with a kind heart. Spending his childhood in a village, Chinna imprudently makes a bet, that causes disastrous consequences for him and his family, to the extent that they are forced to flee the village.
Chinna's impetuous action also deeply impacts the life of Alekhya (Lavanya), whose family ends up disowning her due to her reputation being tarnished. However, she works hard and makes use of all her opportunities to become a trained doctor.
Alekhya and Chinna meet during a fateful incident, and he rescues her from a group of unidentified killers, but when she becomes aware of his true identity, Alekhya rejects him completely. Chinna, who has fallen in love with her, must atone for his childhood sin and find a way to convince Alekhya to forgive him. Will he succeed in winning Alekhya's forgiveness and her love?