Humorous and insightful, this social satire revolves around Madhava, a clever young man who was forced to become a burglar at a very young age in order to feed his younger sister. By the time he reaches adulthood, he becomes a notorious thief, who is so adept that he can never be caught.
Naidu is a wealthy landowner who lives in the area. He is deceitful and greedy, and continues to accumulate wealth by providing high-interest loans to those in desperate need. He then forces them to forfeit their property through illegal and immoral means. In the same way, Naidu has taken control of the registration papers of Madhava's house by providing a risky loan to his father.
In order to avenge Naidu's unjust and exploitative practices, Naidu is forced to pretend to be in love with his daughter, Rukmini who returns from the city after completing her education. Will Madhava succeed in exposing Naidu's greed and bring him to justice? How will his relationship with Rukmini unfold?