This action-oriented crime drama revolves around Dhana (Sumanth), a dynamic young man whose dream is to become a good police officer. He befriends a beautiful girl Lakshmi (Saloni), who happens to be the daughter of honest and most powerful Police Commissioner Mahesh Chandra (Mukesh Khanna). Dhana and Lakshmi become best buddies over a period of time. Dhana gets fed up with the rampant corruption and bribery in police selections and he decides to start a musical instruments shop to make a living.
Mahesh Chandra then convinces Dhana to act as undercover police agent to book dangerous goons in the city. Dhana pretends to be a criminal and give leads of other rowdies to Mahesh Chandra. Mahesh Chandra's plan is to have a progressive prison for the criminals that would help to rehabilitate and reintegrate them into society.
When Dhana successfully brings 50 criminals to book, Mahesh Chandra turns the tables on him, and he arrests Dhana as revenge for daring to fall in love with his daughter. How will Dhana prove his innocence? Will he succeed in staying with Lakshmi despite her powerful father's objection?