Set against the backdrop of Kundapur, a village in Maharashtra, this multi-layered drama revolves around Moreshwar a.k.a. Morya (Aniket Vishwasrao) who works as a peon at a company in Mumbai, Morya has his maternal uncle Dr Chachad (Mohan Joshi) believe that he is the manager of the firm.
To complete a promise made to Morya's mother, Chachad calls him back to the village in order to get him married to his daughter Gauri (Girija Joshi). Gauri is childish and doesn't give time to Morya, even after marriage and this prompts Moreshwar to go back to Mumbai.
In the meantime, the local minister Bhausaheb Inamdar's son Vikram's (Shoneel Shinde) goons, in a petty fight, accidentally stab Chachad. Vikram also abducts Gauri and tries to rape her.
Dr Chachad sets out to teach Vikramdada a lesson. Does Dr Chachad beat Vikramdada in his own game by getting into politics and using Morya as his pawn? Does Vikramdada mend his ways or continue to remain reckless till the end? Does Inspector Malwankar continue to misuse his police uniform or make amends by repenting and turning over a new leaf? Does Morya get his true partner in Gauri in the end? Does Gauri also realize that Morya really loves her? Do Morya and Gauri marry in the end surmounting all the obstacles?