Evocative and provocative, this soulful relationship drama revolves around Nitin Swaminatha, a 45-year-old man who is seemingly leading a successful life with a happy family. He has a beautiful wife and an intelligent 14-year-old son Shivam, who attends a prestigious boarding school in Mussoorie.
However, Nitin has been hiding a secret for a long time and it is eating him up. Now, it has come time to reveal the truth for the reason his parents need to get a divorce to Shivam.
While Nitin tries to think of the best way to confess to his son, he decides to take him on a road trip from their home in Delhi to his boarding school in Uttarakhand. What is Nitin's secret? How will Shivam react to his father's confession? What will the future hold in store for them?