Fast-paced and fiery, this family-oriented crime drama traces the trials and triumphs in the life of Anil Anto, a fearless and forthright man, who relocates from Kottarakara and settle down with help of his friends in Kochi. He rents a small apartment and leads a simple and happy life with his wife, while working as a cable TV technician.
On a fateful day, Anil's pregnant wife is injured during an attempted robbery, causing her to have an abortion. Furious, Anil later learns that the culprit was the brother of Gorilla Darvin, an infamous gangster, who rules Kochi's underworld.
Anil makes a formal complaint at the police station, but to no avail. Forced to take the law into his own hands, he goes after them and violently beats up the culprit. A corrupt police inspector, who happens to be related to the gangster violently abuses Anil after locking him up in prison. He also humiliates him by offering to pay for the chain that was snatched from his wife.
Darvin uses his thugs to slowly burglarise Anil's apartment and jobs everything leaving him penniless. Depending on the law to take its course, Anil finds himself completely helpless to fight the heartless criminal, leave alone bring him to justice through righteous and law-abiding ways. Can Anil single-handedly exact revenge upon his powerful enemy and retrieve all his lost goods?