Thrilling and terrifying, this youthful tale follows the fluctuating fortunes in the life of Alekya, a beautiful software engineer. She and her fiancé, Charan both work in New York City at the time of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Centre. Luckily, they escape and make their way back home and join a company in Hyderabad.
On one fateful occasion, Alekya and Charan come across a mysterious hard disk. Investigating into it, they learned that it contains crucial information about the research and work of a secretive group of scientists, who have been experimenting on controlling the workings of the human brain.
However, the challenge they face is that the hard disk is cleverly coded and certain vital information about the project remain secret and can be opened only at specific times of the month. While it's obvious that the information contained in the hard disk could change the course of human history, what can Alekya and Charan do to safeguard the human race? How are the young couple connected with the hard disk and why have they been chosen to safeguard it?