Evocative and provocative, this multi-layered relationship drama revolves around Venu (Venu), who is an orphan. His philosophy is to live happily and keep smiling (Chirunavvu) all the time. His uncle (Chandra Mohan) wishes to get him married to his daughter Aruna (Prema), but Aruna unexpectedly runs away from the house during the marriage.
Venu goes to the city to find a job. There he meets Sandhya (Shaheen). One night, while attending a party, her soft drinks glass is adulterated with alcohol and she becomes out of control and is in danger of being raped. Venu heroically protects her and saves her from the goons.
After this incident, they become very close to each other and develop a strong bond of friendship and trust. During her birthday party, she announces that she is going to get married soon with Pratap (Prakash Raj). Venu becomes extremely upset. When asked about his disappointment, Venu tells Sandhya that he loves her for which she says sorry.
Venu believes that Sandhya still loves him. Venu pursues his quest for the love of Sandhya. Meanwhile, Sandhya observes the characters of selfish Pratap and smiling Venu.
Venu gets a call from a police station that Aruna was saved by the police just as she was in the process of attempting suicide. Her lover cheated Aruna after elopement. Venu gets her back to his home and heals all her emotional wounds. Sandhya, who observes Venu and becomes a biggest admirer. She feels that Venu is her best friend.
Sandhya, caught in a confusion, asks her mother about her definition of love. Her mother gives the golden words of love saying: in 'Its better to marry a person who loves you than marrying a person whom you love'.
Those words make a powerful impact on Sandhya and she decides to get back to Venu. Sandhya turns a runaway bride and goes to Venu's house with marriage costumes. But Venu, who has his own attitude and wisdom, makes Sandhya go back to the marriage. Then he takes Pratap into a room and gives him a check of 1 crore and marries Sandhya.