Interspersed with humour, this romantic drama revolves around Chintakayala Ravi (Venkatesh), a sincere man, who works at a bar named Cyber Wave in New York. He is a head waiter and works with his three friends who also are waiters at the same bar. He has a soft spot for software engineers because he came to the US with the dream of becoming a software professional, but unavoidable circumstances had prevented him from attaining that goal.
His mother Seshamamba (Lakskmi) tells everybody in her village in Andhra Pradesh that her son is a big software engineer in America. Ravi suffers from a guilty conscience; for the sole reason of not wanting to hurt his mother's feelings, he continues to tell her the sweet lie that he truly is a software engineer in America.
However, problems arise when Seshamamba begins to make arrangements for the marriage between her son and Lavanya (Mamta Mohandas), a local village girl, because Lavanya believes Seshamamba when she says that Ravi is a software engineer. So, when Lavanya asks her childhood friend, Sunitha (Anushka), to enquire about Ravi, the truth comes out that he's just a waiter in a bar. Sunitha's family gets angry that Ravi's family lied to them, and when Ravi arrives in the village for betrothal, he is subjected to humiliation.
Sunitha is troubled by her role in Ravi's humiliating experience, and even more so after she gets to know how wonderful a person he is, especially when he saves her father. Over a period of time, Sunitha and Ravi begin to trust each other and become very good friends. Ravi tries to find a suitable bridegroom for Sunitha, while she aims to convince Lavanya and her family to approve of Ravi, but she is unsuccessful.
Even as Srikanth, another of Ravi's friends also tries to convince Lavanya to marry Ravi, Sunitha and Ravi begin to realise that they have fallen in love with each other. Will they express their emotions before it is too late?