This socially relevant family drama revolves around Venu, an unemployed young man who belongs to a large joint family. He travels to New Delhi with his friends for a job interview, and meets Shiva, a radical social activist, but returns home after failing to get a job.
Madhu is a beautiful young woman and the sister of Venu's friend. Madhu and Venu fall in love. Venu is unable to find suitable employment despite all his efforts, and becomes a taxi driver. His relationship with his elder brother, Ramu a hard-working police officer deteriorates as Venu is unable to bear the financial burden of the family.
On one occasion, Venu drives Shiva to a police station in his taxi. Later, Venu is arrested for aiding terrorists and about to be imprisoned when Shiva comes to his rescue. However, this incident has a very deep emotional impact on Venu's father and elder brother. Desperate for quick cash, Venu and his friends decide to impersonate vigilance officers and seize the loot from smugglers, an impulsive action that goes awry and leads to deeper involvement with the underworld. What will be the repercussions of Venu's actions? Will Venu succeed in getting out of his troubles with flying colours and unite with Madhu?