This soulful romantic drama revolves around Chakram, an NRI who has made the bold choice of returning to his little hometown of Pulivendula, with the dream of building a hospital for the local community. He is deeply in love with Lakshmi, a close friend and colleague, who studied with him in college.
Just when he is ready to take their relationship to the next level and unite with her in the holy bond of matrimony, he suddenly abandons not only her but also his dream project and relocates to 'Sahara Colony' in the city of Hyderabad.
True to his empathetic personality, he becomes deeply involved in the local community at Sahara colony and begins to find solutions to all their problems. Impressed with his kind and helpful nature, another young woman also named Lakshmi, falls in love with him and tries to woo him. However, the question that remains to be answered is why did Chakram abandon his first love, Lakshmi and his dream project?