Fast-paced and funny, this inspiring tale of friendship revolves around Bob Stone (Dwayne Johnson), who spent his teenage years being bullied for being overweight. However, when he shows up at his high school reunion looking like a bodybuilder, everyone is surprised and enchanted by his transformation.
While at the reunion, Bob reconnects with Calvin Joyner (Kevin Hart), a fast-talking accountant who misses his glory days as a popular athlete. Board has yet another secret, he is now a lethal CIA agent who needs Calvin's exceptional skills with numbers, to help him save the compromised U.S. spy satellite system, but Calvin really isn't interested, because he has a family to take care of.
Now, Bob must convince Calvin to team up with him for a greater cause and the former classmates must deal with shootouts, espionage and double-cross while trying to prevent worldwide chaos. Will they succeed in saving the world?