Inspiring and invigorating, this adventurous tale revolves around Mike Goldwing, a gritty 12-year old boy, who is the son and grandson of NASA astronauts. His grandfather Frank Goldwing, a once revered, but now forgotten retired astronaut, lives his days isolated from his family in an old age home for retired astronauts after missing out on his big chance to fly to the moon with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin as a part of the Apollo XI mission.
When an eccentric billionaire named Richard Carson devises a plan to fly to the moon, steal the moon's vast mineral resources (Fictional Helium-3), and destroy the American flag planted by the Apollo XI team trying to prove that America had never visited the moon and that he was the first person on the Moon, the President of the United States orders that NASA plan another space flight to the moon to beat Carson, so that he won't rewrite history, and at the same time prevent Carson from obtaining Helium-3 from the moon which can be used as a weapon of mass destruction.
Carson upon hearing the news, hires a person to sabotage the NASA mission. Firstly, during a test manoeuvre, the person (posing as a cameraman) shoots the test lander and causes an oil leak, causing it to run out of fuel and crash, injuring Mike’s father, Scott. Thankfully, Mike and his friends, Marty and Amy manage to escape unhurt. Scott blames Frank for not refueling the tank and for his leg fracture.
As such, Mike decides to go to the moon as a stowaway on a rejuvenated Saturn-V rocket in order to undo the ‘Goldwing Curse’. Mike, Marty and Amy try to sneak inside the launch area, but Marty gets caught after being attacked by alligators in the marshes surrounding the launch pad. Suddenly, the launch gets sabotaged by the same person from before, and this causes the rocket to launch much earlier than planned. Carson assumes that by launching the rocket earlier, no one would be in the rocket to man it, meaning that no one would be there on the moon to stop him from mining the powerful Helium-3.
Accompanied by his grandfather, Amy and Marty (at the control center on Earth), and their clever lizard named Igor, Mike blasts off to the moon to capture the flag and reunite his family. Carson tries to destroy the space craft in which the trio are traveling. The trio along with Igor, risking their lives on moon, with assistance from Marty on Earth, capture the flag and destroy Carson’s evil plans by sabotaging his futuristic Helium 3 mines. After planting the flag back, all return back to Earth safe and Mike’s plan to reunite his family and break the ‘Goldwing Curse’ is accomplished.
In a post-credits scene, Carson is seen drifting through space with his assistant Gigs, who is revealed to be an android.