This action-oriented romantic drama revolves around Captain Nagarjuna (Akkineni Nagarjuna), a fearless young man who becomes a hero in the eyes of many when he saves the passengers and the flight by landing it safely in spite of engine failure. He falls in love with one of his passengers, Radha (Kushboo). The co-pilot Murthy and Radha's friend Manju are lovers. Radha is a renowned classical dancer, visiting her uncle Ananda Rao.
In order to impress Radha, Nagarjuna pretends to be Ananda Rao's nephew. He insistently tries to make Radha accept his love. Ananda Rao returns from his business trip and promises to help Nagarjuna, but Radha refuses to listen. Nagarjuna challenges Radha to a dance competition, with the condition that the loser shall listen to the winner.
During the competition, Radha loses her step, and, at the brink of losing, kisses Nagarjuna. Stunned he stops dancing. Radha wins. Infuriated by her action, Nagarjuna accuses Radha and promises never to have any relationship with her. Nag meets with an accident while driving in an agitated state of mind. Radha goes to the hospital to reveal her past. Nagarjuna decides that Radha's past is not important to him, only the future is. So, they agreed to get married to each other and begin living together blissfully.
Radha's manager Prabhu, who desired to possess her, decides to take revenge upon them. He invites Nagarjuna to to an art exhibition, where he is shocked to find a Radha's portrait, exhibiting a mole in a private body part, as one of the exhibits.
When Radha wished to reveal her past to him, he had refused to listen, but now, Nagarjuna is consumed by doubt and suspicion. Who painted the portrait and how did he know about the mole? How will his suspicion affect their relationship? How will their marriage unfold?