This multi-layered relationship drama revolves around Sreedevi (Shalini), a beautiful young woman, whose mother Kiranmayi (Jayasudha), is mentally unstable. Everyone makes fun of Sreedevi for not knowing her father's identity and the doctor says that her mother can become normal only when she sees the person who is responsible for her pregnancy.
In the process of searching for her father, Sreedevi meets Shakthi (Venkatesh), a kind-hearted gentleman who always thinks of helping others. After listening to her story, he decides to help her at any cost. Shakthi has undergone similar trauma to that experienced by Sreedevi: when Shakthi was a child his mother was imprisoned because of trickery played by his deceitful father, leading to Shakthi losing her whereabouts.
Ammadu (Rajani) and Shakthi fall deeply in love with each other, as they are able to share their concerns and care for each other. Will Ammadu succeed in llocating her biological father and reverse her mother's insanity? Can Shakthi reunite with his mother? How will the future unfold for the young lovers?