This multi-layered drama revolves around Inder (Deep Joshi), a talented youngster who is passionate about athletics and running. However, due to the pressure applied by his girlfriend Gurleen (Jasmine Kaur), is forced to leave his beloved home and bike, and move to Ludhiana.
With the support of his coach, who bestows him with the title 'Bathinda Express', and his friends Raj (Mohit Bhaskar) and Gupta, he finds the strength to laugh, enjoy and work hard towards the fulfilment of his goal. He also wins Gurleen's love.
Suddenly one day, his uncle who is taking care of his estate after the death of his parents requests his presence. At his home, Inder falls under theunder the influence of his cousin (Prince Kanwaljit Singh), who tempts him to indulge in alcohol and drugs.
Within a very short time, he becomes completely addicted to drugs. Even after returning to Ludhiana, he has little interest in hard work, fitness and sports. He is consumed by the need for intoxication.
His coach, with whom he has an intimate fatherly connection, tries to warn him but Inder's deterioration seems inevitable. Can he find a way to become the 'Bathinda Express' once more?