Evocative and provocative, this tragic family drama revolves around Moni, who is an exceptionally beautiful young woman. She gets married to Ranju, a man who belongs to an extremely wealthy family that lives together in a lavish and luxurious palace.
Simple and sweet, Moni soon befriends every individual in the family. Everybody adores her. Her happy days are however numbered as she discovers a thread of lies, conspiracy and murder in the family. Desperate alcoholic housewives, perfectly normal and healthy women married away to mentally deranged men just to save the family's honor etc.
To add to her horror, she realizes that the goddess Laxmi is kept as a prisoner in the temple so that the family's wealth remains intact. After hearing this story her physical and mental health starts detoriating. She feels she can hear the silent crying of a girl that she believes was coming from inside the temple. She finally makes up her mind to break the lock and set the Goddess free. However, she is caught in the act by her great mother-in-law and nearly beaten to death.
Against all odds, Moni not only survives the beating, but also find enough courage within herself to escape the bondage and runs away. Will she be allowed to spend the rest of her life in peace and quiet, or will she be forced to return and lead a life of resignation and indifference?