This woman-centric relationship drama revolves around Banashree, who is a beautiful young woman and an exceptionally talented singer. Her husband, Dr Basu is one of the most successful doctors in the city. Although he's very busy, the couple have a child and lead a happy and harmonious life together.
On the day of the wedding anniversary, Banashree reminds Dr Basu of the date and her plans to have a party in the evening in order to celebrate the happy occasion. He leaves after promising to return home early.
When he is on the way to his hospital some people stop his car. They take him to a person who has attempted suicide. Dr. Basu decides to make a trip to the home of Avijit with the intention of getting to know the patient's state of mind. he finds that Avijit is a painter by profession, with a creative and sensitive personality.
To his utter surprise and shock however, Dr Basu notices a potrait of Banashree there. He also sees a photograph of Banashree and Avijit together. Stunned and disturbed he immediately jumps to the worst possible conclusion, that his wife must be having an illicit relationship with Avijit and consumed by his jealousy and suspicion, he does not attend the anniversary party.
When he returns home he shows the photograph to Banashree and demands an explanation. Banashree then confesses that she had met Avijit at a function. Avijit was an ardent admirer of hers and had made a habit of attending all her functions and slowly he fell in love with her. When Banashree refused him, he tried to commit suicide. Will Dr Basu accept Banashree's word? Will harmony and happiness be restored in their marriage?