Set against the background of a small village in the 1960s, this family-oriented relationship drama revolves around two sisters, Pakko (Simi Chahal) and Sami. Pakko is dusky-skinned while Sami is a fair skinned and beautiful, causing many to discriminate against Pakko.
Channan Singh (Ammy Virk) is madly in love with Pakko. He loves to ferry her around the countryside on his bicycle, which he loves almost as much as Pakko herself.
At this critical juncture, Resham Singh a wealthy and handsome young man arrives on the scene, flaunting his brand-new motorbike and trying to gain Pakko's attentions.
For the first time in her life, Pakko is enveloped in the attention of both men, who embark upon a game of one-upmanship and try their best to when Pakko's love. Who will Pakko finally fall in love with? What will the future hold in store for the family?