This socially-relevant woman-centric drama revolves around Mandira, a beautiful, capable and responsible young woman, who is shouldered with the responsibility of caring for her ailing father and many younger siblings.
Dr Abhi is very much in love with Mandira and tries to help her with her father's treatment, but despite the best possible care, her father passes away. As the eldest sibling Mandira is forced to set aside all her dreams and hopes for the future. She begins working as a teacher in order to earn an income and help her younger siblings settle down.
Due to her sacrifice, her younger brother, Nandhu gets married to Sheela and reaches a comfortable position in life, but Sheela ensures that Nandhu is kept unaware of Mandira's struggles. So, Mandira arranges for the weddings of her younger sisters, Indhu and Chandra with great difficulty.
Having sacrificed her own life so that her younger siblings may have a bright future, how will Mandira's future unfold? Will her dream of marrying Dr Abhi become a reality or will it be too late?