This action-oriented drama revolves around Ghani bhai (Pawan), an orphan who is raised by Delhi’s new don, Khan (Gulshan Grover) as they are both originally from Hyderabad. Growing up in the violent, crime-filled environment, he becomes Khan’s henchman, committing all the crimes his boss wants, until one day when he refuses to kill a woman (Neha Oberoi).
The reason behind his decision leads to a sub plot. Khan plans to eliminate Ghani for his betrayal, but his plan is unsuccessful and it leaves the hero with a mere wound, while the girl Indu (Neha Oberoi) is killed in the combat.
The next episode opens in Hyderabad, where Pawan Kalyan christens himself as Balu, the name his dead lover used to call him. He is on a mission to eliminate the local mafia head Nayudamma, who has control over the land.