This emotionally charged family drama traces the twists and turns in the life of Balaramaiah (Sobhan Babu), a man of extraordinary power and wealth. He's the uncrowned king of his village and his word is law. He lives a luxurious life with his wife Vasumathi and darling daughter Pooja.
The only area of conflict in Balaramaiah's life is with his step-siblings Krishnamurthi and Sita, whom he looks upon with scorn as their mother was from a different caste. He goes to the extent of dividing their ancestral home into two and relegates his step-siblings to one half of the property.
At a time when his daughter is of marriageable age, a young man enters their village. His name is Sivaji and as he is closely related to Krishnamurthi he is given shelter next door. Slowly and secretly, Sivaji and Pooja fall in love. When Balaramaiah comes to know of this truth, he's infuriated. He decides to take swift action and fixes Pooja's marriage against her will.
The prospective bridegroom is the son of an opportunistic man, who takes full advantage of Balaramaiah's intolerance for caste variations and keeps fuelling the fire of hatred. Will true love be destroyed by intolerance and hatred? Will Balaramaiah ever recognise the error of his ways and unite the young couple in the holy bond of matrimony?