This romantic comedy revolves around Vasanth (Shanthnoo Bhagyaraj), an engineer who comes from Chennai. He is pressured by his grandfather to get married, and in order to avoid an arranged marriage, he ends up selling some lies. However, she is cornered by his grandfather and given an ultimatum to get married within one month.
Vasanth is anxious but finds himself falling in love at first sight with Narmada (Rashmi Gautam), a beautiful young woman.
However, in order to win her love, he pretends to be a person with profound visual impairment. Slowly, he gains her sympathy and she also falls in love with him.
They date and Narmadha's father (Ashish Vidyarthi), a police commissioner, investigates and finds the truth of the matter. He informs his daughter about Vasanth's deception and Narmadha is hurt and heartbroken. Will Vasanth succeed in fulfilling his promise to his grandfather?