This evocative relationship drama revolves around Durga, a vivacious and capable young woman, who has an extremely short temper, to the extent that the locals in her village often call her 'tigress'. She and her father, who is an alcoholic are always at loggerheads, but in the end, they love each other a lot.
One night, while desperately trying to escape from the police Chiranjib, a liquor smuggler happens to take refuge in Durga's hut. Although their relationship begins with many arguments, slowly a special bond develops between them.
Soon, Chiranjib whom Durga calls Chotte Thakur, begins to think of Durga's safety and security as his responsibility and tries his best to lead an honest life, away from crime. However, the police had been hunting him for a long time and they use this opportunity to raid his house.
Then, in a cruel twist, Bhola attempts to sexually assault Durga, and she fights back. In the process, Bhola gets killed and Durga gets arrested for murder. Despite knowing that Durga may have to spend years in prison Chiranjib decides to marry her, so that they may both start a new chapter in their lives after waiting through the period of imprisonment.