This fast-paced social drama revolves around Ranbir, a fearless and forthright young man. His father is a successful judge and teaches Ranbir to always stand up for justice and help the innocent. Due to his honest, caring and helpful nature, he is loved and respected by all.
On one occasion, Ranbir he is frantic shrieks from a woman as she desperately struggles to stop men from raping her, and he immediately goes to her rescue. Surhila is the beautiful woman he saves. She is from an impoverished family background.
Surhila and Ranbir fall in love and get married, despite strong objections from his father. Ranbir's father makes him promise that Surhila would never become a mother, much to Surhila's agony.
Meanwhile, Bikram Singh, a hardened criminal who was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment by the judge is released from jail. He is consumed with hatred for the judge and hellbent on exacting revenge upon him. Consequently, Bikram Singh kidnaps Mimi, the judge's daughter and Ranbir's sister. Surhila sets out to save Mimi, but will she succeed in her dangerous mission? Will safety and peace be restored in the judge's family?