This multi-layered family drama revolves around a close friendship between Anand Rao (Anand) and Vijay Ram (Murali Sharma). Their flourishing businesses get fractured when a misunderstanding causes Vijay Ram accuses Anand Rao of cheating him and embezzling funds. Their friendship is destroyed and they get separated.
Twenty-six years later, Karthik (Sushanth), a handsome NRI, who is Vijay Ram's nephew comes to India to help his family out of a troublesome situation. In the process, he falls in love with Vijay Ram’s daughter Shurthi (Sonam Bajwa).
Unbeknownst to everyone, Karthik also has a dark secret and a ulterior motive for his actions. What is Karthik’s secret mission? Will he succeed in protecting his family from trouble? How will his love story unfold?