Humorous and haunting, this offbeat family drama revolves around Priyadarshan (Tini Tom), who works as a dubbing artist for TV serials and Ad-Films. He gets married to Anjana (Aditi Roy), and they lead a happy and harmonious family life for four years.
After four years though, they begin to feel the pressure of not having a child. To distract themselves, they begin engaging in various social activities, that keep them away from each other. However, Priyadarshan and Anjana discuss their personal troubles with each other and ensure that any conflict can be resolved through communication.
Meera (Jeena) and Valanja Vazhi Sinjo (Suraj Venjarammood) were intimate friends in their college years, but fell apart afterwards. Several years hence, they meet once more and renew their bond. As the couples begin meeting regularly, Priyadarshan begins leading an extravagant lifestyle, under the influence of his new friends in the neighbouring apartment, Chacko (Edavela Babu), David (Sinil Sughatha), and Kaimal (Chali Pala), much to Anjana's ire.
With Priyadarshan being led astray by his friends, how will his marriage with Anjana evolve? Can Anjana find a way to save Priyadarshan from danger, before it's too late?