This youthful romantic drama revolves around Narsingh Yadav (Aakash Puri) a happy-go-lucky youngster from Telangana, who has failed his 10th grade examination three years in a row. His mother becomes vexed with his ineptitude and throws him out of the house.
Unaffected by her angry outbursts, Narsingh begins to roam the streets with his friends. He meets Prashanthi (Ulka Gupta), a sweet and innocent school-going girl from Andhra Pradesh and is attracted to her. As Narsingh does his best to impress her, she is also flatter, but finds herself unable to express her emotions as she is bound by fear. She belongs to a traditional middle-class family and is aware that Narsingh is from a different socio-economic strata altogether.
Eventually, will Narsingh continue to woo Prashanthi or will he mature enough to recognise the importance of a good education and change his focus on life? What will the future hold in store for the young lovers?