This family-oriented drama revolves around Siddarth, who lives with his father Govind Raj, a widower, who works as a labourer on construction projects but tries his best to ensure that his son gets a good education.
Years later Govind is still a laborer, while Siddharth works as an interviewer on CC TV and is very popular. Since Govind's wife, Roopa, passed away, Siddharth conspires with his grandfather and gets his dad re-married to Shanti.
When Shanti and Govind find out that Siddharth has fallen in love with Swetha, he goes to meet with her family and finds out that she is the daughter of his childhood friend, Veerendra Singh, who is now a wealthy contractor and has entered his name to stand for state elections. Veerendra is opposed to this alliance, but Swetha makes him change his mind, and he agrees to this marriage only if Govind promises to keep away from his son's life to which Govind agrees.
On the day of the engagement, Siddharth exposes Veerendra's plan, humiliates him, and refuses to marry Swetha. Shortly thereafter, an apologetic Swetha agrees to Siddharth's terms and conditions, both get married, and move in with Govind and Shanti.
What Shanti, Govind and Siddharth do not know is that Swetha has a secret agenda - namely that of avenging her father's humiliation; she is hell bent on destroying the father-son relationship once and for all, and she is indirectly aided by Satya Bihari - who has his own score to settle with both Govind and Siddharth.