Evocative and provocative, this contemporary family drama revolves around Meera (Kulkarni) a divorcee, a lonely woman who lives with her daughter Aastha (Rangole), a strong-willed and vivacious young woman.
The familiar pattern of life changes when Meera meets Akash (Sengupta), her college sweetheart. Despite meeting after two decades, the spark between them stays alive and very soon, love is reignited. Akash is now a widower with a son, Nishant (Menon).
When Meera and Akash decide to get married, Nishant is supportive, but Aastha has trouble adjusting to the idea of having a step family. Meera and Akash decide to introduce their kids to each other and set up a meeting between Nishant and Aastha. Initially, there is an awkward silence, and soon Aastha's resentment becomes apparent. However, Nishant wins her over and the two strike a friendship.
However, when their friendship blossoms into love, the situation becomes very complicated for everyone. How will society react to the marriage between Akash and Meera? How will the relationship between Nishant and Aastha evolve? Are social taboos valid or are they hindrances to happy living?