Fast-paced and fiery, this action-oriented romantic drama revolves around Soma Raju (Shiva), a happy-go-lucky young man who leads an aimless life.
However, when he falls in love with a beautiful woman, he changed his life around completely. Vowing to rescue his beloved from the financial troubles, he tries his best to gather the funds, but unable to do so, is forced to adopt extreme measures and kidnap a wealthy man from a bar with the help of his friends.
To their misfortune, it turns out that Soma Raju and his friends have kidnapped none other than the Deputy General of Police (DGP) of Hyderabad, a fearless and powerful man. As soon as they learn the truth, they panic and decide to release the DGP to the authorities and surrender, but at this critical juncture, a deadly and dangerous group of naxalites kidnap all of them.
As the DGP is kidnapped along with Soma Raju and his friends, the entire police department tries to hunt them down, but it is up to Shiva to use his presence of mind and bravery to free himself and the others from the naxal trap. Can he succeed in doing so? What will the future hold in store for him?