Set against the backdrop of the Ameerpet area of Hyderabad, this contemporary romantic drama traces the twists and turns in the life of four roommates, Vivek, Linga Babu (the self-styled Libu), Venkat Rao and Chitti, all of whom are failures for now.
Vivek wishes to make best use of his good looks and aspires to become a movie star. He hopes to move to the neighbourhood of Krishna Nagar, to live amidst the other up-and-coming actors. Libu, the son of poor parents, forgets his responsibilities while he is pulled towards Soniya. A beautiful and conscientious Vennela, who covertly loves Vivek, has very high ideals.
Even as the four friends, led by Vivek begin to get carried away with the fast-paced lifestyle of the city, will unfolding events help them find their consciences once more? What will the future hold in store for them?