Thrilling and terrifying, this humorous horror film follows Vishwa (Manoj Nandam), Soumya (Mitra), Peake (Raghava), Snigha (Harini), Ganesh, who are the best of friends.
They embark on a road trip to Visakhapatnam to attend the wedding ceremony of their friend, Sandhya. Taking a shortcut, they get into trouble when their car breaks down in the midst of dense jungle with no hope of finding a car shed for repair.
Looking around, they are happy to find a bungalow nearby decides to ask for health. However, it turns out that the bungalow is haunted and they end up experiencing several paranormal events. Are these events really the work of a wrathful spirit? Is the house truly haunted or are the terrible events the work of cunning humans? What will the future hold in store for the friends?