This thought-provoking drama follows Nin (Hoze Melendez), a slacker who has just undertaken a responsible job in his life. He has one week to learn from the warehouse manager Mr Lino, who will retire at that point and give way for Nin to take over his job.
Much to the surprise of Nin, the warehouse where they work, on the outskirts of the city, is completely empty when he arrives on Monday morning for his first day at work. The company for which they work produces aluminum masts and flagpoles but none are to be seen (Mr. Lino explains they only store masts, flagpoles go to another warehouse).
As they wait in full readiness for trucks with merchandise that may never arrive, and spend time in forced proximity, they must deal with their fundamentally different perspectives of life, a yawning generation gap and culminating in the formation of a unlikely, but deep toned forming between the two.