This relationship drama follows the twists and turns in the life of Trisha, who is the daughter of Madhava Rao, a business tycoon. When her father meets with a terrible accident, Trisha is forced to take charge of his company.
Madhava Rao's main competitor, Saxena is a corrupt and evil man. A talented and enigmatic stranger Raju (Nitin) shows up from nowhere to help Trisha. Trisha appoints Raju as general manager. Usha (Rathi) is Trisha's inseparable younger sister. Due to certain circumstances, Raju is forced to don a disguise as Balu and Usha falls in love with Balu.
As the confusion about mixed identities continue, Munna - another look alike of Raju - comes from Mumbai. Munna is a right hand of Karim Lala (Saurabh Shukla) - a Mumbai-based underworld don. Munna's main goal is to destroy the family and its businesses, while Raju fights to protect them. Who will be successful? What is Raju's true identity and why does he wish to save Trisha and her family?