Powerful and poignant, this artistic drama revolves around Agnes, a brave woman who reveals to her daughter the story of how she became a gravedigger.
Due to utter poverty and lack of safety, Agnes is forced to become the companion of Sevi to his home near the cemetery. Sevi works as a gravedigger, who digs old graves and places new bodies within them. He is an outcast in society. Despite all this, Agnes falls in love with him as he is a decent and good man, doing honest work, in a society of greedy and lascivious men.
While so-called respected men try to take advantage of Agnes and forceful into having sex with them, Sevi protects and cares for her. Eventually, she chooses him and they have a beautiful daughter, Maria. However, when Sevi disappears, Agnes is forced to take his job in order to live with self-respect and self-determination. What will the future hold in store for her and her daughter, Maria? Can the cemetery be the safest place for a desirable woman in a beastly society?