In or Out is about the inexorable flow, constant flux and endless process that Life is. Things and objects, humans, animals, insects, fishes and birds, all beings – in all forms, states and varieties, organic or inorganic, animate or inanimate, natural or manufactured, go through the process of coming into certain states of being, taking certain forms, evolve into others, transform into other shapes and states and gradually decay and degenerate; but there is decay and destruction only in the human realm of passions and emotions, memories and dreams, not in nature, where every ‘degeneration’ is a form of ‘regeneration’; what decays feeds another; what is ‘dead’ from a certain perspective is ‘fresh and nourishing’ from another. Though In that sense, life is nothing but a constant flux of states of being.. the incessant and inexorable flow of time. Time flows through everything, sculpting humans, organic and inorganic beings into forms and shapes, visible and invisible, solid, liquid, gas or plasma.