This socially relevant action drama revolves around Rudra Pratap Sharma, a sincere young man who comes from a middle-class Hindu 'Bramhin' family consisting of his father, Dayashankar, a bank manager by profession, his mother Sharda and his baby sister Gaithri. The family resides in Banaras, India.
The family's simple and peaceful life is thrown into disarray because Rudra cannot stand injustice in any form and revolts by publicly beating some college-bullies. This forces him and his family to re-locate to the city of Bombay where Rudra continues to deal with wrong-doers by turning them over to the law.
Then one day his life changes when he is arrested by the police for not only dealing in arms and ammunitions but for the cold-blooded murder of the Commissioner of Police Yeshwant Sinha. Rudra must now escape from prison to find out who had framed him and if at all he can put his life back together.