This evocative family drama delves into social issues like materialism and mistreatment of the elderly in Indian society. Chandranath is a hard-working and sincere young man who lives with his wife Janaki, father Yudhishthir (Manoj Mitra), son Raja and daughter Rani.
Despite a great deal of financial struggle, the couple ensure that they bring up their children with lots of love, care and ensure that all their needs are fulfilled. Once they reach a marriageable age, Rani falls in love with Aninda (Abhishek), who is the son of a greedy, dishonest house owner Mukunda Behari Roy (Anup Kumar). When Rani's parents approach Mukunda for marriage, he demands a dowry of Rs. 1 lakh.
Desperate to gather this tremendous amount, Chandranath travels to and tragically dies in an accident there. How will Janaki ensure the happiness of her children? Will Raja and Rani be able to marry their chosen mates? How will they repay Janaki and the elders of their family for all the sacrifices they made to ensure their happiness?