This woman-centric drama delves into the life of Mala, a beautiful and intelligent young woman. She lives with her elder brother, who despite a great deal of struggle due to ill-health keeps on encouraging her to make the best of her life.
Due to a great deal of poverty and hardship, Mala decides to give up on her education and begins working with Dr Bose, a great atomic scientist, at his research laboratory. Dr Bose's assistant, Rabin and Mala begin working closely with each other. Initially, Dr Bose is very harsh towards Mala, but slowly he becomes her mentor and supports her immensely.
Although her brother doesn't live to see it, Mala succeeds in getting a doctorate for her research for a cure to cancer. She reminisces over her brother's progressive thoughts and visionary ideas, dedicating her amazing success to the love, support, inspiration and encouragement she derived from him.