This emotionally charged family drama revolves around a virtuous woman, who is married to Sujokant, a successful businessman and the happily married couple have a son together. Her husband is led astray by Pralay, one of his employees, who brings in a seductive woman to become Sujokant's personal assistant. Unable to resist her charms, he begins to have an extramarital affair with her.
Devastated by the changes in her husband, she leaves home and struggles to care for her son and survive in the world by herself. In the meantime, Pralay murders the personal assistant and frames Sujokant, consequently placing him in prison for the crime.
Alone in the world, she works hard and makes many sacrifices so that her son might grow up into a successful man and get married. What will the future hold in store for this great woman? Will her son stand by her? Will Sujokant's prison sentence continue, or will he be set free after the real criminals are identified?