This fantasy drama film is a delves into the exciting concept of time-travel. It sparks off from reality and enters into the realm of fantasy, when a self-styled scientist (Chiranjit), who claims to have discovered a timetravel device, volunteers to take a woman named Abby back in time when finding employment was not that difficult, but with conditions attached.
Helpless and hopeless, Abby agrees to his conditions and travels 33 years back in time, to 1980. As a consequence, she is drawn into a warm bowl of unforeseen incidents and intricate relationships that make Abby's life in 1980 as eventful as ever. However, Abby soon finds herself bouncing the two universals, one set in 1980 and the other in 2013. Where will she choose to stay permanently? Can she find a way back to 2013? How will her relationship with the scientist unfold?