This socially relevant drama follows the fluctuating fortunes in the life of Arjun, a talented young singer from an impoverished background. When all his attempts to find an honest source of income end in failure, he becomes frustrated and impulsively chooses options that land him in jail. Prison becomes his only option for finding safety, security and food, but there comes a time when even that becomes unavailable to him.
At this critical juncture in life, he becomes acquainted with a Christian missionary, who runs a residential school for impoverished and orphaned children. The Father becomes fond of Arjun and gives him work. At the school, the children become very attached to Arjun and he begins to bond with them. He also meets Ms Chatterjee, who initially dislikes him, but is very impressed by his musical talent and slowly grows close to him. How will his relationship with Ms Chatterjee and the children in the school pan out? Can he finally find love, meaning and fulfilment in life or will his past misdemeanours return to haunt him?