This evocative family drama revolves around the family of a wealthy zamindar or landowner. As he has no male heirs, he adopts Srinivas Rao as his legal heir. Srinivas is originally the younger brother of Ramaiyya, a simple farmer. The zamindar's wife, Santhanalaxmi has an aversion to persons from lower economic strata and would have preferred to adopt Venu, her own sister's son. As she is forced to accept Srinivas as her legal son, she discriminates against him and shows no love for him.
When talk begins about Srinivas' marriage, his brother Ramaiyya suggests the name of Savitri, a beautiful and cultured young woman, but Santhanalaxmi does not wish to have any connections with anyone associated with Ramaiyya.
With Santhanalaxmi bitterly resisting the union between Srinivas and Savitri, Ramaiyya gets insulted and Savitri is pushed to the brink of suicide. How will the future unfold for Srinivas and Savitri? Will Srinivas be forced to marry a girl of Santhanalaxmi's choice?