This exquisitely crafted romantic drama revolves around the fluctuating fortunes in the life of Soori, the brave son of the village leader. After being educated in the city, when he returns to the village to find rampant unjust practices and crimes committed by the wealthy going unpunished, he fearlessly fights for justice.
However, his father, who is unhappy with his violent techniques to achieve justice sends him back to the city. Soori then finds love with Vani but she is being targeted by a wealthy man, Vasu. Enmity between Vasu and Soori escalates to such an extent that Soori soon finds himself on death row for having committed murder.
An unlikely saviour, a crooked politician comes to his rescue out of the blue, and reduces his prison term to 5 years. When Soori is released from prison will Vani be waiting for him? Why did the crooked politician come to Soori's rescue? How will Soori's life transform after his release from prison?