This socially relevant drama revolves around the family of Ram Shashtri, an upper Caste Hindu Brahmin, who lives in a small village with his very large family, consisting of his wife, Savitri, five daughters and three sons. Ram performs prayers and last rites for the Hindu community, and it is through these meagre earnings that the entire household lives on.
The eldest is a daughter by name Shalini, silently falls in love with Ashok J. Rao, the son of the Village Mukhiya, Jagannath. As the Raos are of a much lower caste than the Shastris, Ashok is told by his dad that he cannot marry Shalini. One day, after an argument with his dad, he leaves to join the army, and a few weeks later a telegram is received by Jagannath that Ashok is no more.
As Ram is unable to get more assignments, Savitri attempts to poison the entire family, but Shalini stops her in time. She gets a job and is able to get the family to get back up on its feet. Her brother, Gautam, wants to be a doctor, so she arranges for his studies, while her sister, Poorna, wants to be a singer, and a music teacher is arranged.
Then Shalini leaves her village to travel to Poona to get her brother's admission to Medical College, with considerable success, and from thence on there is no looking back for this family. Shalini gets a raise and an offer for a big pay-raise if she re-locates to the capital, Delhi, which she does. She sends plenty of money so her dad does not have to work, and her siblings can carry on with their respective studies.
Later, Shalini's sister, Girja, meets a young man, Raju, and both fall in love. Gautam, now a doctor, is in love with the Tehsildar's daughter, Usha, and wants to marry her. Shalini returns home to attend the two marriages. The marriages take place with great pomp and ceremony and everyone compliments Shalini, for without her efforts, the family would have been destitute.
However, after the weddings, her life will be changed forever, she will lose all respect from her family, she will be treated as an outcast and forced to leave the house. The question remains, why would Shalini be ill-treated by her very own family, and if so, what will become of her?